Greatest Hits and What You Missed: Burgers, Peeps, Donuts and Fork & Barrel Fallout
“I don’t know what it is about Peeps that inspires such loathsomeness and creativity in people. Maybe it’s the colors. Maybe it’s the simplicity of them–just gobs of marshmallow, and yet imbued somehow with an almost Zen-like calm. Or maybe there’s something in the food dyes that makes normally rational people go plumb loco when in their presence.
Over the years, folks have done all sorts of weird things with Peeps (see for example: Peeps dioramas, Peeps dresses, and the Peep Jesus), but none of those even come close to what we have collected here: The 6 strangest things ever done with, near or involving Peeps.”
From “6 Strangest Things Ever Done With Peeps” which, yes, does include Peeps underpants.