Montco Senator Wants to Loosen PA Beer Laws
Pennsylvania Senator John Rafferty staged a rally in Harrisburg yesterday to drum up support for opening up the beer selling market to supermarkets and convenience stores.
His legislation would also allow bars and taverns to sell everything from a six-pack to a case of beer. There would also be provisions to require “100 percent carding” where all shoppers would be required to show ID.
The legislation is opposed by the Malt Beverage Distributors Association who represent more than 450 beer distributors. The MBDA feels expanding beer sales in convenience stores and supermarkets would put some distributors out of business.
Lew Bryson suggests distributors not blindly oppose the law but use the legislation to get them access to all alcohol like Massachusetts package stores. Of course that would do away with the State Store system…. Oh Lew, we see what you’ve done there. Very nice.
Proposed bill would loosen Pa. beer-sales [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Rafferty Calls for Reform of PA Beer Sales Law [Senator Rafferty Official Site]
Senator Rafferty Comes Out Swinging [Why the PLCB Should be Abolished]