Foobooz 2009 Zeitgeist

Zeitgeist is defined as the general mood of a period of time. Below is the Foobooz 2009 Zeitgeist. What search terms brought people to Foobooz, what neighborhoods were most popular and even which Jennifer (Carroll vs Zavala) generated more search hits.

The results are after the jump.

Most Searched for Restaurants

  1. Village Whiskey
  2. El Camino Real
  3. Yogorino
  4. Bibou
  5. Percy Street Barbecue
  6. Varga Bar
  7. Smokin’ Betty’s
  8. Stella Pizza
  9. Chew Man Chu
  10. Silk City Beer Garden

Most Visited Pages

  1. Home Page
  2. Openings
  3. Top 50 Bars
  4. Recession Specials
  5. Calendar
  6. Restaurant Week Guide
  7. Foobooz Jobs
  8. Closings
  9. Outdoor Dining Guide
  10. January Restaurant Week Guide

Most Read Posts

  1. Froyo to the Ritho
  2. To Dirndl or Not to Dirndl
  3. Union Trust vs Del Frisco’s: Battle of the Opening Bashes
  4. And you thought your Monday morning was bad… Cease Operations for Drinkers
  5. The Market at the Comcast Center
  6. Varga Bar: Tale of the Tape
  7. Village Whiskey: Tale of the Tape
  8. White Dog in Wayne
  9. Can Jose Garces be the next Iron Chef
  10. Piazza at Schmidt’s Rundown

Most Searched for Neighborhoods

  1. Center City West
  2. Center City East
  3. Northern Liberties
  4. Rittenhouse Square
  5. South Philadelphia

Popular Jens


Most Popular Jennifer Searches

Iron Chef vs Top Chef


Iron Chef vs Top Chef

Lunch vs Brunch

Brunch vs Lunch Searches

Brunch vs Lunch Searches