Resurrection Reviewed


Trey Popp heads up (or is it down) Grays Ferry Avenue to see how Resurrection Ale House is making out. He especially likes the vegetarian options but doesn’t have anything nice to say about the bread.

So what sets Resurrection apart?

Unexpectedly, I found the answer to be its vegetarian offerings. Inch-thick slices of radicchio are done up with a balsamic braise and figs, sending a wave of sweetness over the tongue before the chicory’s bitterness follows. Like much of the cooking, it’s about as subtle as pulp fiction, but you need big flavors to go up against the 90-plus IBUs in Bear Republic’s Hop Rod Rye. Vegetarian kale, rich with fiore sardo, was an against-the-odds knockout. A lentil sloppy joe was smoky, spicy and duly sloppy — but not enough to squirt out of the bun. Brunch eggs are amazingly fluffy.

Up and at ’em [City Paper]
Resurrection Ale House [Official Site]