Mark Your Calendar
Foobooz isn’t just a blog, it’s also a calendar of events. Mark your calendar with these fun things that are coming up.
Tonight, the P.O.P.E. is hosting a New Holland Brewing night. Four New Holland beers including the tasty and devastating Dragon’s Milk.
Fork is hosting an Allagash Beer Dinner on Thursday, August 13th. $55 includes beer and dinner.
On Thursday, August 20th the Sidecar Bar & Grille hosts a funky reggae party sans Red Stripe but with plenty of Blue Point brews.
Also at Fork, owner Ellen Yin is hosting an Edible World excursion around Washington Avenue in South Philly on September 10th.
Don’t mess up and accept that invitation for the wedding you think is a total sham on October 3rd. You’d much rather send regrets and head out to the Midtown Village Fall Festival.
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