Where to Watch the Debate Tonight?
We know this might be hard to believe in this day and age, but some of us at Foobooz World Headquarters do not have a TV or the cable that makes it function. Which means that we cannot watch important things like Mad Men without downloading it to itunes or the vice-presidential debate without going to a bar with a TV.
So we’re putting the question to you: what Philly bar would YOU recommend as a good place to take in the debate? Sarah Palin likes the Irish Pub, but we want to know what you think…
The criteria after the jump.
We’re looking for a bar that has a TV with the sound on (you think that would be obvious, but during the presidential debate, the bar at the corner of our block had the TV tuned to the debate, but the sound was off and rap music was blaring, which is probably how you want to ‘watch’ the debate when you’re totally high on cocaine like the patrons of this bar tend to be).
We’re also looking for a non-partisan environment, if that’s even possible in this day and age. It would be nice if there was food and it was tasty.
Thoughts? Recommendations? Did anyone watch the presidential debate at a bar?