New Beer Coming For PBC
John Rehm of Art & Industry has the lowdown on the first seasonal offering from the Philadelphia Brewing Co. The unnamed beer sounds like a herb-infused take on a Belgian pale ale. It should be available on draft in a week or two
We start with a base of excellent lightly toasted malts on a foundation of Canadian 2 row (pils) from our silo: Weyermann (German) CaraHell, Acidulated malt, Wheat, whole flaked Oats, French aromatic, and a touch of French CaraMunich for a nice golden color.
Hops are light – just enough for balance and some Willamette late in the boil for a subtle earthiness.
Now the good stuff… Cardamom, Ginger, Lemongrass, Rose hips, Rhubarb root.
Sounds pretty good to us. They don’t have a name though. Any suggestions?
Natural Herbal Enhancement [Art & Industry]
Philadelphia Brewing Co. [Official Site]