Matchmaking: Restaurants & Real Estate


Your restaurant yenta is back, pairing vacant spaces that yearn for occupancy with clever restaurants that do not yet exist. And all for free!

This space, formerly the headquarters of the United Way, is right down the street from Vetri, Valanni and Mercato on the cusp of the Midtown Gayborhood and it boasts a highly desirable indoor courtyard! A perfect match here would involve, perhaps, an upscale bier garten to replace Ludwig’s, like the one that commenter DKH told us back in January that he wants to open and keeps dropping hints in our inbox about, but won’t actually give us any solid information on because he doesn’t have a location? And apparently is pulling the same shenanigans over at Food & Drinq? Bad form, DKH! You’ve been a very naughty commenter…

Speaking of the Midtown Gayborhood, it looks like the 12th Air Command may be up for sale for $2.8 mil. Here’s an opportunity for a shrewd restaurateur to take flight! Did we mention it’s Bad Pun Friday here at foobooz? We’d like to see Starr in here. Yep, that’s right, Starr. He’s done everything else but a gay bar, so why not?

Perhaps something more hetero is more your cup of Sazerac? What could be more hetero than Manayunk? It appears that New Orleans-ish Bourbon Blue is on the market. This one is tough. We’re not sure what should be done with this cavernous space. How about turning it into an indoor market and cafe? It’s not like Manayunk needs another bar anyway.