Quick Bites
Cary Neff who has owned the Sansom Street Oyster House for the past seven years is opening a brasserie at 5th and Bainbridge. No name or date has been set for the opening. [Table Talk, Philadelphia Inquirer]
All month, Bootsie’s, 38 S 19th Street, is offering a deal. Order one entrée at full price and get the second at half price. [Bootsie’s]
Shula’s 347 is set to open next Thursday at the Philadelphia Marriott West in West Conshohocken. The 347 refers to Don Shula’s wins as an NFL head coach. No word on when Kotite 40 will be opening. [Table Talk, Philadelphia Inquirer]
The Wild Onion in Rosemont is now smoke-free upstairs until 11 PM. [Main Line Restaurant Guide]
MenuPages now has menus for over 2,000 local restaurants including new spots like Osteria, Cebu and Fogo de Chao. [MenuPages]