Iron Hill challenges Dogfish Head
Iron Hill challenges Dogfish Head to a Bocce match at Brewer’s Reserve Night in Wilmington.
It’s upstate versus downstate with Bocce and beers.
On Thursday, August 17, from 6 to 10 pm, Brian Finn, head brewer of Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, at 710 Madison Street, will host a special Brewer’s Reserve Night, showcasing the adventurous and off kilter beers from Dogfish Head Craft Brewery.
Sam Calagione, founder and president of Dogfish Head and author of Brewing up Business and the forthcoming Extreme Home Brewing will bring a selection of his rare yields and offer guests a sneak peek of some upcoming releases at this tasting event. In addition to this exclusive tasting, Calagione and several members of his brewing team will challenge Iron Hill’s brewers to a Bocce Match on the court located along the river walk behind the restaurant and brewery.
The tasting event will offer guests tastes of Dogfish Head, including: Chateau Jiahu, brewed with hawthorn fruit, rice and honey and based on the world’s oldest known fermented beverage, it was discovered in a 9,000 year old Chinese site; the first batch of this year’s Punkin Ale; Black and Blue, a strong Belgian-style ale brewed with black and blue berries; and other surprises.
Iron Hill Brewery [Official Site]
Dogfish Head Brewery [Official Site]