WATCH: Worker Plunks Reporter With Dirt Ball at Old City Construction Site

A still from the Philly Voice Facebook live video.
Workers digging at the future site of a new condo building on Arch Street near the Betsy Ross House found several coffins on Thursday.
CBS 3’s Anita Oh reported that the workers found more than 50 remains at the site, likely from the 1700s. Rutgers-Camden archeologists will work on figuring out who these remains belonged to.
Reporters swarmed the construction site after word got out that there were remains being dug up. One of those reporters was Philly Voice’s Brian Hickey. He was actually filming a Facebook Live video when a construction worker pelted him with a solid ball of dirt.
On its site, Philly Voice warns readers that the video contains explicit language. I will tell you to watch this video because it contains explicit language. The incident happens at the 2:55 mark.
“Yo! I’m the news,” Hickey yells after the impact. “Why are you throwing dirt at me?” The worker asks him why he’s filming, and Hickey replies, “The scene.” Another voice, off-screen, tells Hickey he’s on the property and needs to move.
I made a GIF of a construction worker hitting @BrianPHickey with a rock.
— Dan McQuade (@dhm) March 9, 2017
Hickey said he was busy working on an article, and couldn’t comment at this moment. (His story checks out.) But he tweeted that he’s planning to file a police report. “Really hope that guy has warrants out for him,” he added.
This followup tweet from Hickey was very funny. On another note, that construction worker had excellent aim. That was unfortunate for Hickey, but if the Phillies are stuck with injuries this season, they know where to turn.