This Alleged Bank Robber Looks Like He’s in Grand Theft Auto

This man allegedly robbed a Center City bank yesterday.
The FBI is looking for a man who allegedly held up the BB&T Bank at 17th and Market streets on Monday morning.
According to the Philadelphia police, the man in the above photo went into the bank around 10:30 a.m., handed the teller a threatening note, and walked out of the bank with an undisclosed sum of money.
But what’s most notable is the photo the police and FBI released to the public: Have you ever seen a more clear image of a bank robbery suspect? He looks like he’s in Grand Theft Auto!
Police released the following description of the suspect, who is considered armed and dangerous:
The subject is described as a male in his 40s to 50s (per witness accounts, possibly of Hispanic or Middle Eastern descent), approximately 5’10”-5’11” tall, medium build, unshaven. He wore a tan ¾-length jacket and dark-colored knit cap.
Anyone with information about this man is asked to call the FBI at 215-418-4000. There is a reward, and tipsters can be anonymous.