Ex-Cape May County Man Among San Bernardino Shooting Victims

Nicholas Thalasinos and his wife, Jennifer Thompson-Thalasinos. (Photo via Facebook)
A former health inspector in Cape May County was among the 14 killed in the San Bernardino massacre yesterday. Nicholas Thalasinos was a health inspector for the county for about 15 years before moving to California to take a similar job in California a decade ago, according to a flood of condolences on his Facebook page.
“He was a wonderful friend,” Ed Beck, a construction official in Lindwood, told the Inquirer. “He worked in Cape May County as a health inspector and went out to California and was doing the same work there.”
Police said 28-year-old Syed Rizwan Farook, a Chicago native, and Tashfeen Malik, his 27-year-old wife, fired as many as 75 rounds at a party for the San Bernardino County health department at the Inland Regional Center. The couple fired another 75 rounds at cops before being killed in the shootout.
“There was obviously a mission here,” said David Bowdich, the assistant director in charge of the FBI in Los Angeles. “We do not know why. We do not know if this was the intended target or something triggered him.” Officials say Farook had been in touch with terror suspects.
Chillingly, Thalasinos’ final facebook post was a message about a man he said made a threat to his life. Thalasinos called the man an “anti-semitic brain surgeon” and said the man wrote a poorly-written screed against Israel and called Jews “criminals and cowards.”
Here is a message sent to me by the ANTISEMITIC BRAIN SURGEON Med Ali Zarouk
“you will never sucsseed to make a country for jews , because you are criminals and cowards ,you are juste using usa and europe to fight for you , soon you ll get your ass kicked , you will die and never see israel as country believe me never ”
He ALSO assumes I’m a JEW – a great Compliment, I should keep him around for that reason alone!
Anyway my new hobby appears to be BLOCKING PAGAN ANTISEMITIC TROGLODYTES so I’m just passing this along to warn others.
Oh – and this ISNT the person I mentioned EARLIER. That was way WORSE.
Posted by Nicholas Thalasinos on Tuesday, December 1, 2015
A message sent to Zarouk’s Facebook was not returned; his profile says he lives in Ukraine. Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew per his Facebook page, was politically active on the site. Thalasinos frequently posted in support of Israel and about other political topics. He had written eight posts on a conservative blog.
“He was just a great guy and nothing was too difficult for him to do and he was everybody’s friend,” Len Guthrie told NJ.com. “Everybody liked him.” Guthrie said he worked with Thalasinos for about 15 years before Thalasinos left about a decade ago.
A GoFundMe page set up in his memory said he met his wife, Jennifer Thompson-Thalasinos, via an online fandom for the 1980s TV show Beauty and the Beast. They had been married 14 years.