Lynne Abraham to Announce Mayoral Candidacy at Franklin Institute
We have known Lynne Abraham was running for Philadelphia mayor since an aide told the Inquirer she was running for mayor in September. But with the 2014 election over, it’s time for the candidates to start making things official, and Lynne Abraham has announced when she’s doing just that.
It’s next Wednesday at noon at the Franklin Institute. Unfortunately, she’s not going to slide down the Foucault’s pendulum. The event will be held at the pavilion underneath the shimmer wall installation.
Abraham would be the city’s first female mayor. Ex-Nutter aide Terry Gillen and former city solicitor Ken Trujillo have also declared for the 2015 mayoral election. All are Democrats (duh).
In 2012, Abraham told Victor Fiorillo she had been approached by women in the city who asked her to run. “My husband says if I have a cold, half the city’s going to be infected — from people throwing their arms around me and kissing me,” Abraham told Philadelphia magazine in 2008. “Bus drivers, they honk at me, cabdrivers, construction workers, and they all yell, ‘Yo, Abraham!’ ”