More Point Breeze Drama That You Don’t Want to Care About (but Secretly Do)
The Point Breeze Organizing Committee, which in the past two months has garnered headlines for publicly jousting with Point Breeze developer Ori Feibush, just laid out its latest manifesto against Feibush. The last post I wrote about Feibush about allegedly faked Facebook messages ended in conclusory apathy towards the whole situation, and this is no different. But for some reason, I just can’t quit watching what happens there and then writing about it on this damn thing.
Without getting into details, I’ll just summarize it like this: Feibush thought Karen Heller’s Inquirer column was saccharine and didn’t stop himself from saying so on PhiladelphiaSpeaks; Point Breeze community groups in turn accused him of hating women and blacks; and the sick sadomasochism of OCF vs. community groups continues. You can read the few-thousand-word manifesto here for yourself. We’re just trying to be the paper web site of record for Point Breeze’s inanity.