28 Days Later, Still No Answers From Henon About the FBI Raid

Photo via City Council’s Flickr
Next week, when City Council starts its fall session, Bobby Henon is going to have to be in the same room with a reporter. For now, he’s still not answering questions about the fact that the FBI raided his offices four weeks ago. Just like the time before and the time before that.
I happened to be in City Hall today, so I stopped by Henon’s office to see if I could ask him a question or two. He was up in the district office in the Northeast, his spokeswoman said. She said she’d get in touch with him and ask if he would answer the questions that Philadelphia magazine has repeatedly sent him. (Here are a few: Have you been interviewed by the FBI? Has your staff? Are you going to keep your part-time job with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98, the union whose headquarters was raided the same day as your offices?)
Later, we called the office back. “Not today,” said Henon’s spokeswoman.
While I was in his office this morning, I happened to spot an IBEW-branded blanket draped over Henon’s empty chair. Do with that what you will.
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