ThinkFest Preview: Michael Nutter Looks Back On His Eight Years In Office
It’s hard to believe, but Mayor Michael Nutter has less than three months left in office.
A lot has changed since January 8th, 2008, when Philadelphians happily waited in line for hours to shake hands with their then-newly inaugurated mayor. The city’s homicide rate has fallen, its bond rating has skyrocketed, and its population has swelled. But a lot has stubbornly stayed the same or gotten worse. The school district is still underfunded, even after Nutter and City Council have directed hundreds of millions of extra dollars to the schools. The city’s pension system is still underwater. And a whopping 395,000 Philadelphians are living in poverty.
What has Nutter learned during his time in office? And where does he think the city is headed? At ThinkFest, Nutter will explore these questions and more with Philadelphia magazine deputy editor Patrick Kerkstra.
Join us on November 6th at Drexel’s LeBow College of Business for a day of the city’s smartest people sharing their biggest ideas. Read all of our ThinkFest 2015 previews here, and get your tickets today.