Nutter Appointed to Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Advisory Council

Michael Nutter on CNN.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia announced Monday that former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has been appointed to the Economic and Community Advisory Council (ECAC). The council is comprised of 15 leaders tasked with advising “the Bank’s senior leadership about emerging trends, issues, and market conditions in the Third Federal Reserve District and nationwide,” according to the statement.
“We are fortunate to have Michael Nutter join the Economic and Community Advisory Council,” said Deborah L. Hayes, the Bank’s senior vice president of corporate affairs. “His essential perspective on public policy and government administration will be invaluable to the council as it strives to build cross-sector collaboration and ultimately advance our economy.”
Nutter shared Hayes’ enthusiasm, stating, “The prominence and importance of the Bank is recognized worldwide, and it is exciting for us in Philadelphia to have such a talented and forward-thinking Bank in our region. I look forward to working with fellow council members in addressing the critical issues facing many Philadelphians and Americans.”
This appointment is the latest in a long list of posts and positions. Nutter is also a CNN political contributor, executive fellow at the University of Chicago Urban Labs, a faculty member at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, a senior fellow with a Bloomberg Initiative, and serves on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.
He also recently launched his own website, and is reportedly being considered for a cabinet position should Hillary Clinton be elected president in November. For some, a cabinet appointment might mean cutting down on other obligations, but with Nutter, don’t count on it.