
This Cool Philly Coloring Book Gives Back to the Community and Highlights Local Artists

“Draw to Action” includes the original work of 30 local artists, and 100 percent of proceeds will go to 15 Philly nonprofit and social impact organizations.

Pages from the Draw to Action Philly coloring book.

The Draw to Action Philly coloring book launched this week. |  Image courtesy of Rory Creative

If you’re feeling stressed out this winter, you’re not alone. It’s been a tough year, and the winter blues are hard to shake even during the best of times. That’s why we’re so happy to see people throughout the city taking on new creative projects in order to bring resources to those that need them most — and bring a little fun and levity to people in isolation at the same time. Enter: Draw to Action.

Just this week, Draw to Action, a coloring book featuring original designs from 30 Philadelphia-based artists, launched. The cool designs and scenes which you can color in to suit your mood will raise funds for the city’s underserved communities. Yep, 100 percent of the proceeds will be donated to 15 local nonprofit and grassroots social impact organizations which focus on a variety of causes, from mental health advocacy to social justice reform to transgender rights.

The project was produced by Philadelphia-based creative agency Rory Creative, with financial support from NextFab. With this launch, they’re hoping to raise money for the organizations, and provide a fun, creative outlet and a bit of art-therapy to all Philadelphians facing isolation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not a bad two-for-one deal!

The coloring book is $20 and can be purchased online at This Corner and at their retail store at 1613 Pine Street. At checkout, you can choose which of the organizations your purchase will benefit. The beneficiary organizations include: Amistad Law ProjectEverybody Eats PhillyThe Evoluer HouseGALAEIJuntosMicah’s MixxNAMI PhillyPhreedom JawnPhilly Bail FundPhilly for Real JusticePhilly UnknownProject LETSRHD Morris HomeSpirits Up!, and The Youth Art & Self-Empowerment Project.

The creators hopes to make a statement with the release on more levels than one. The book’s foreword reads: “Art is resistance. No matter the medium, art reminds us we’re alive. And as long as we’re alive, we’re capable. Capable of resisting oppression. Capable of protecting one another. And capable of finding joy in the midst of great struggle. In Philadelphia’s current struggle against COVID-19, systemic racism, police brutality, and so much more, we hope you’ll find joy as you scribble through these pages. More than that, we hope this book reminds you that resistance takes many forms. So sing. Dance. Write. Play. And draw. Draw to Action.”

That’s a message we can definitely get behind! Now where are those colored pencils …

A colored-in image from Draw to Action coloring book. | Image courtesy of Rory Creative

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