This Philly Triathlete Is Social Distancing with Peloton Rides and Dog Walks
A week in the quarantine life of Ryan Frankel, triathlete and founder of This App Saves Lives.

Photograph courtesy of Ryan Frankel.
Welcome to Sweat Diaries, Be Well Philly’s look at the time, energy, and money people invest in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle in Philly. For each Sweat Diary, we ask one area resident to spend a week tracking everything they eat, all the exercise they get, and the money they spend on both. Want to submit a Sweat Diary? Email
Who I am: Ryan Frankel (@rvfrankel), 36
Where I live: Queen Village
What I do: I am the co-founder and CEO of This App Saves Lives, a free mobile app that rewards drivers who choose not to engage in distracted driving. With TASL, drivers earn rewards points for time spent driving undistracted and these points are redeemable for great rewards from our brand partners including Shake Shack, Urban Outfitters, and dozens more.
What role healthy living plays in my life: As a former collegiate baseball player turned Ironman triathlete and fitness enthusiast, investing in my health and wellness has long been important to me. Training, eating well, and living a balanced lifestyle has paid dividends for me in these athletic pursuits but also in my personal and professional life.
Health memberships (and what they cost): Under “normal” circumstances, you can usually find me training outdoors or in our home gym. Recently, though, I’ve been working out with the help of our Peloton subscription, which costs $40 per month.
Grocery haul for the week: $115 — Amazon Fresh

Frankel dons his face mask before heading outside. / Photograph by Ryan Frankel.
6 a.m. — Let’s get at the week! I spend the first 15 minutes of my morning the same way every day: mentally organizing my daily goals.
6:45 a.m. — I love cycling and with warmer weather not yet upon us, I ride my Peloton bike regularly. Today it’s a 45-minute endurance ride with my favorite instructor, Matt Wilpers.
7:30 a.m. — Feeling great! I decide to do a 45-minute strength training workout.
8:15 a.m. — I guzzle down a Quest Nutrition chocolate protein shake on my way up to shower and get ready for work.
8:45 a.m. — Like a lot of folks, I’m working from home right now, so the walk to my office takes 20 seconds instead of the typical 20 minutes.
9 a.m. — I’m most focused during the first half of the day, and I tend to avoid distracting emails and phone calls until I’ve completed the day’s top priorities.
10 a.m. — Quick break for a bowl of Special K protein cereal mixed with my favorite peanut butter granola from Erin Baker’s. I don’t even need any coffee, as I’m still energized from my morning workout!
1 p.m. — Lunchtime. My wife has made us her world famous cheddar, broccoli, and sweet potato egg cups which I pair with two slices of avocado toast.
3 p.m. — The weather is amazing, so I take my first phone call meeting of the day while walking. My voice is muffled by my new COVID-19 face mask, but hey, I feel like I’m doing my part.
4 p.m. — More meetings, colleagues, clients, and partners, oh my! I manage to squeeze in a snack. I just can’t get enough of Quest Nutrition’s caramel chocolate chunk protein bar.
6 p.m. — Bath time…not for me, but for my daughter. She lights up electrically when it’s time to bathe and her enthusiasm brings an ear-to-ear smile to my face. A bedtime story of Good Night, Philadelphia makes for the perfect end to her day.
7 p.m. — Dinner with my wife. Tonight we’re having grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, and quinoa. Later, we plan on unwinding with some Tiger King.
8:30 p.m. — Snack time (I’m always snacking). Tonight it’s Fage Greek yogurt with two homemade chocolate protein brownies warmed in the microwave. Yum.
10:30 p.m. — Off to bed to read.
Daily total: $0

Homemade steak salad. / Photograph by Ryan Frankel.
5 a.m. — Rise and shine! Earlier than normal. but my mind is raring to go.
5:30 a.m. — Upper body lift followed by a chocolate banana peanut butter protein smoothie. After, I play with my daughter while my wife gets in her own workout.
8:30 a.m. — Starting off my work day with a 60-minute video call with the TASL team. With everyone operating remotely, it’s good to see some smiling faces.
10 a.m. — More meetings, but not before a jar of homemade peanut butter overnight oats topped with dates and sliced bananas. Noticing the peanut butter trend here? I can’t live without it.
1 p.m. — Lunch! Two homemade egg McMuffin sandwiches with a side of avocado.
2 p.m. — I tackle today’s goals and then spend 30 minutes stalking Amazon Fresh’s delivery availability to see if I can place a grocery order. Everyone else in Philly must be doing the same. Sadly, I fail. Sigh.
7:30 p.m. — After a long afternoon of work, it’s time for dinner. Tonight we’re having a grilled steak salad followed by a bowl of Talenti caramel cookie crunch gelato because #balance
9 p.m. — Enjoying the evening with my wife and some TV.
10 p.m. — Lights out!
Daily total: $0

Frankel’s dog Chase has been enjoying the extra walks and playtime. / Photograph by Ryan Frankel.
5:30 a.m. — Rise and shine. Despite the sadness that is the impact of COVID-19, it’s going to be a beautiful day and I intend on focusing on the good in life.
7 a.m. — 60-minute Peloton ride. I emerge from the workout to find that it’s already 65 degrees outside. I dust off my road bike and go for a quick spin. It’s quiet and I’m having the time of my life.
9 a.m. — Chocolate peanut butter protein shake with Vega protein. Yep, more peanut butter.
9:30 a.m. — Quiet work time fueled by a yogurt parfait consisting of Icelandic Skyr yogurt topped with Love Crunch granola. What flavor? Peanut butter!
12:30 p.m. — I take my first batch of phone meetings while walking around the neighborhood. With people abound, I don’t make it far as I’m keeping my distance to flatten the curve.
1:30 p.m. — Quick lunch consisting of a ham sandwich on Dave’s Killer Bread, a sliced apple, and a bag of my favorite Krave beef jerky. Afternoon phone calls will keep me busy until the evening.
7 p.m. — Tonight we’re having grilled salmon over a kale Caesar for dinner chased down with a glass of Malbec, courtesy of the gift of wine delivery from Wine Awesomeness.
11 p.m. — Shhh. I’ve already been sleeping for 30 minutes.
Daily total: $0

Homemade cinnamon donut muffins. Yum. / Photograph by Ryan Frankel.
5:30 a.m. — Good morning! I’m strength training today and powering through my workout courtesy of Spotify’s “Chill Tracks.”
7 a.m. — I’m enjoying a chocolate Muscle Milk shake while baking homemade cinnamon sugar donut muffins. Delicious.
7:45 a.m. — Family walk to the nearby park with our Golden Retriever puppy, Chase, who also needs a little exercise for his sanity.
10:30 a.m. — Time for a caffeine drip. Coffee paired with Siggi’s coffee yogurt and a banana. I instantly feel the buzz, which will definitely get me through these morning meetings I have.
1 p.m. — I’m starving. Lunch is four sliced hard boil eggs on top of two slices of avocado toast sprinkled with Trader Joe’s everything bagel seasoning and chia seeds, plus a side of turkey bacon and an apple.
1:30 p.m. — My afternoon consists of an extensive list of phone calls with few breaks. I’m in love with my Apple Airpods, so I take my final call outdoors and enjoy some fresh air at the tail-end of a productive day.
4 p.m. — I break from work and I’m fortunate to witness my daughter’s first steps! Talk about the silver lining of working from home due to COVID-19. What a sight!
7 p.m. — Dinnertime! Tonight, we’re making homemade pizzas with spinach, pineapple, and chicken sausage.
8:30 p.m. — I’m craving ice cream and fortunately we have some left. Breyers cookies and cream? Make it a double.
10:45 p.m. — I’m already asleep.
Daily total: $0

Frankel ends the week with some quality family time. / Photograph by Ryan Frankel.
5:45 a.m. — Up and at ’em.
7 a.m. — I’m knocking out my long cycling ride today. I’m training for a June metric century ride from Philadelphia to Atlantic City to raise support for the American Cancer Society. Today is a 90-Peloton ride, plus I’m tacking on another 15 minutes at the end, because why not?
9 a.m. — I drink a large glass of chocolate milk alongside Siggi’s mixed berries yogurt, a banana, and a slice of avocado toast. I take Chase and our daughter to our park for some exercise (them, not me — I’m pooped already!).
9:30 a.m. — I desperately need a haircut and since we’re self-isolating, I attempt to give myself one. Big mistake. It looks terrible and I’m forced to buzz cut my precious locks. I now look like a Ninja Turtle for the foreseeable future. (Picture intentionally omitted).
2 p.m. — I’m super hungry. Our grocery supply is running dangerously low, so I make the best of what we have on hand. Steamed lentils, hummus, and pita chips. I discover a packet of Justin’s peanut butter cups and can’t resist.
5:30 p.m. — It’s been a successful week. I unplug from work to throw a stick for Chase. The effort lasts only a few moments before he decides to consume said stick.
7:30 p.m. — Tonight, we’re enjoying homemade chicken meatballs over zoodles, pasta, and garlic bread.
11 p.m. — Goodnight!
Daily total: $0
Weekly totals
Money spent: $115
Workouts completed (including walks): 11
Homemade meals made: Sigh, when can we start going out to eat again?
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