This Health Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Mama-to-Be Loves Fruit and Self-Care

Erika Lundy, a certified health coach and yoga teacher, strives to focus on her nutrition and mental health, especially during her third trimester.

Mama-to-be Erika Lundy is focusing on her nutrition and her mental health during her third trimester. / Photograph courtesy of Erika Lundy.

Who I am: Erika Lundy (@erikalundywellness), 29

Where I live: Rittenhouse

What I do: I’m a self-employed, holistic health coach, certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, specializing in pregnancy and postpartum health. I also teach prenatal yoga at Yoga Vida in New York City. Before getting pregnant, I taught hot yoga at Priya Hot Yoga in Fairmount.

What role healthy living plays in my life: I feel my best when I’m eating nutrient-dense whole foods, moving my body, resting when needed, and taking care of my mental health — which is why I take healthy living and wellness so seriously. Self-care plays a huge role in my daily life as well. Whether it’s meditating for 10 minutes, taking a warm bath, or practicing yoga for 30 minutes, making self-care a priority is a must to feel my optimal, healthiest self — especially with a baby on the way. (I just entered my third trimester!)

Health memberships (and what they cost):

  • Headspace: $98 per year
  • Freehouse Fitness: $26 (drop-in rate per class)


Lundy’s go-to smoothie is chocolate, peanut butter, and banana. She claims it tastes just like ice cream. / Photograph by Erika Lundy.

7 a.m. — I wake up at different times throughout the week, depending on what I have going on. Nonetheless, I always start my day with a glass of room temperature water, followed by a cup of warm water with lemon to get my digestion moving. I like to sit quietly while the house is still calm, meditating for 10 minutes with the guided meditation app Headspace. Having “me” time in the morning is non-negotiable (at least for right now, before baby L arrives in November).

8:10 a.m. — Time for the Reformer Flex I class at Freehouse Fitness. It is by far my favorite reformer Pilates class in Philly! I try to schedule one to two classes per week. Class is tough as always and I’m definitely making modifications, especially as my pregnancy progresses.

9:15 a.m. — I’m back home for breakfast. I look forward to my daily chocolate, peanut butter, and banana smoothie. It has a low glycemic index (so it keeps me full for hours), is packed with prebiotic fiber, and literally tastes like ice cream! It’s a healthy, tasty way to start my mornings.

10 a.m. — I’m on a bus headed to NYC ($9), since I teach my yoga classes early tomorrow morning. It helps that my brother lives in Tribeca, so I crash at his place on Monday nights.

11 a.m. — I need a snack. You’ll learn that I’m a huge snacker, and being pregnant has only increased my love of small frequent meals. Thank goodness I brought some Beanfields chips, which taste so similar to Doritos, but are actually made out of beans! I’m a firm believer that healthy can and does taste good.

12:45 p.m. — Finally in NYC and need something to drink. Pregnant or not, I am not a coffee person. I am definitely a matcha gal! So I sip an iced matcha from Cha Cha Matcha as an afternoon pick-me-up ($3.75). Note: The American Pregnancy Association recommends keeping caffeine below 200 milligrams a day “until more conclusive studies are done.”

1:10 p.m. — I grab a tuna and avocado sandwich from Joe and the Juice ($9.69), which is super tasty. Mamas to be can eat up to 12 ounces of tuna or other low-mercury fish per week, according to the FDA and the EPA’s recommendations.

2:45 p.m. — Self-care time! I go out for a much-needed mani/pedi and a 30-minute neck massage ($60). I typically go to Sundays, and I love their nail polish. I’ve been using it throughout my entire pregnancy because it’s non-toxic, vegan, and professional grade quality. I’m definitely going to continue to use it post-pregnancy!

6:05 p.m. — After my “me” time and finishing some work stuff, I realize it’s already time for dinner. Tonight, I’ve got a craving for Fage Greek yogurt, topped with bananas and blueberries. Sometimes this pregnant mama just wants breakfast for dinner.

8:30 p.m. — After catching up with my brother, I head to bed to read The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson. I highly recommend it for educating yourself for all things postpartum.

9:30 p.m. — Time for bed! I try to go to sleep early on Mondays since I have to wake up pretty early on Tuesdays.

Daily total: $108.44


Lundy snaps a “pre-concert mirror bump selfie” before the Rufus Du Sol concert. / Photograph by Erika Lundy

5:10 a.m. — Wake up. Sheesh, it’s early.

5:20 a.m. — My mornings look different on Tuesdays because I teach so early. But there hasn’t been a Tuesday where I haven’t had tea and a pre-teaching snack to fuel me until breakfast. Today, I eat some banana with a spoonful of cinnamon maca almond butter. YUM!

6 a.m. — I’m teaching two back-to-back flow classes. Even though it’s early, I love my yoga crew.

8:15 a.m. —Breaky is Greek yogurt with banana and blueberries. Yes, I did have it for dinner and breakfast, and I am not sorry. I’m savoring every bite before heading back to Philly.

8:45 a.m. — Time to catch my bus home ($11)!

12:25 p.m. — After getting home, I head to Whole Foods to get some grocery shopping done ($57.59). But I’m hungry, and everybody knows you shouldn’t go to the grocery store hungry. So I make this venture a BYO snack trip: my go-to smoothie (chocolate, peanut butter, and banana) and salt and vinegar chips.

1:20 p.m. — My self-care routine today is a 30-minute prenatal yoga flow at home.

2:45 p.m. — Eating a late lunch because that smoothie kept me full this long. I make myself some avocado toast. Not to toot my own horn, but I like my avo toast better than any restaurant I’ve had it at :)

7 p.m. — After working on some coaching projects for the afternoon, it’s time for dinner. My hubby and I make homemade quesadillas and guac. So simple, yet filling! I love using Food For Life‘s Ezekiel sprouted tortillas.

9 p.m. — Date night! We’ve got the Rufus Du Sol concert at Franklin Music Hall (forever the Electric Factory). They’re one of my favorite artists, and I usually always have one of their songs on my yoga playlists.

Midnight — Time for sleep. Late night for this mama to be!

Daily total: $68.59


One of Lundy’s favorite meals to make at home is salmon, sweet potatoes, and spinach, a simple but tasty dinner. / Photograph by Erika Lundy.

7:30 a.m. — Wake up. I am pretty tired from my very long day yesterday!

7:40 a.m. — Morning routine like Monday’s: warm water and lemon, Headspace.

8 a.m. — Now that I feel in the zone, I make myself scrambled eggs with a side of blueberries for breakfast. As you can probably tell by now, I’m a major fruit monster! I’ve got a full day of nutrition planning and health coaching projects for clients ahead.

11:45 a.m. — A handful of Beanfields chips and some almonds to keep me going!

1:10 p.m. — I take a break from work for the self-care part of my day. I decide to do a 30-minute strength training workout in my building’s gym.

1:55 p.m. — Lunch today is Greek yogurt, this time with mixed berries. After this, I’m diving back into coaching work.

7:30 p.m. — Finally time to turn off the computer and eat some grub! Tonight’s dinner is one of my favorites: salmon with sweet potato and spinach. I’m taking advantage of cooking a lot of salmon since wild-caught is in season right now.

9:55 p.m. — Lights out.

Daily total: $0


Lundy is a frequent class member in Reformer Flex I at Freehouse Fitness. / Photograph courtesy of Erika Lundy

8:45 a.m. — Wake up. Ah, it feels good to sleep in.

9 a.m. — Water, warm water with lemon, and Headspace. I can’t tell you how zen this routine makes me feel. I can’t wait to drink my favorite smoothie after.

11:15 a.m. — Today’s break from coaching is Ezekiel bread topped with peanut butter and sliced banana, a peach, and some raspberries.

4 p.m. — I am pretty in the zone when I’m putting together materials for clients, so time flies. I snack on some almonds and dark chocolate. Getting my healthy fats, protein, and iron in!

5 p.m. — Back at Freehouse Fitness for another round of Reformer Flex I! The muscle shakes are real.

6:30 p.m. — I unwind after class by teach yoga at a local apartment building. It’s a great way for residents to come together for their wellness.

7:45 p.m. — My husband and I decide to do dinner at Dimitri’s in Queen Village. It’s our favorite BYO in the city (even though I’ve got to wait a little bit longer for indulging)! I order the avocado citrus salad to start, followed by the flounder ($37). Absolutely delicious.

11:45 p.m. — Time for sleep.

Daily total: $63


To start their Friday morning, Lundy and her husband enjoy some chocolate rugelach from K’Far. / Photograph by Erika Lundy

7:30 a.m. — Wake up and complete my morning wellness and meditation routine.

8:15 a.m. — Pre-breaky snack. My hubs and I take advantage of the beautiful summer morning by walking to the new K’Far for some chocolate rugelach ($10). If you haven’t had it yet, you MUST.

10 a.m. — Today is my day off from coaching, so I meet a friend for breakfast at Parc to catch up and enjoy the fantastic weather. There’s not much better than summer in the city, plus I love Parc’s yogurt parfait ($14).

12 p.m. — Self-care sesh is a 30-minute prenatal yoga flow at home.

1 p.m. — Eat some of my delicious homemade avocado toast.

2:30 p.m. — Hubby is out of work early, so it’s time to start the weekend! We drive to Longport, which is where we spend a good amount of summer weekends since my in-laws have a house there.

4:30 p.m. — Is anyone as obsessed with peaches as I am?! They’re definitely my favorite summer fruit and a great snack!

6:30 p.m. — The fam grabs dinner at Steve and Cookie’s ($60). If you go to this part of the shore, make sure you get the ugly tomato salad to start.

11 p.m. — Sleep.

Daily total: $84

Weekly totals

Money spent: $324.03
Workouts/self-care sessions completed: 6
Classes taught: 3
Snacks consumed: Let’s add that to the list of “what not to ask pregnant women”