Registration for New Women-Only Race in King of Prussia Opens Today

The first Queen of Prussia 10K will take place June 2nd.

women-only races

Registration opens today for the Queen of Prussia 10K, the latest women-only race to come to Philly. / Photograph courtesy Getty Images

2018 was known across mass media as the “year of the woman.” (Cheers to the #MeToo movement and a record number of women heading to Congress!) Here in Philly, it feels like that wave of female energy is continuing into 2019, especially when it comes to the health and fitness scene. All-ladies groups are popping up all over the city — for those who want to connect through wellness, for those who don’t drink — as are women-only races. This year’s Women’s Philadelphia Triathlon, an event that debuted last year, sold out in just 35 days.

The organizers behind another women-only race, the Queen of Prussia 10K, are hoping for a similar outcome. Registration for the inaugural race, which will take place June 2nd in, you guessed it, King of Prussia, opens today. “I’ve done a few women-only races before myself,” says Nanci Fitzgerald, the Queen of Prussia race director. “My friends and I are really attracted to them because it feels like you’re getting that me time that a lot of women are looking for. And everything around the race is geared toward women — the sponsors, the amenities.”

Some of the logistics, including sponsors and swag, are still in the works, but Fitzgerald has partnered with veteran race organizer Barb McKeever, who has worked on all-women’s events in the past, to ensure local ladies won’t be disappointed. What we do know: Runners will start at the King of Prussia Town Center and head down the flat, beautifully wooded Chester Valley Trail, looping around to end up back at the town center for a post-race party. There will be 14 age groups, starting with 19 and up and then broken out into five-year intervals (ages 20 to 24, 25 to 29, and so on until the 80 and over category). Translation: A whole lot of prizes will be available.

And, before the race even starts, runners will have the option to participate in a mentorship program with female leaders in Philly’s running community, who will be organizing group training runs and providing tips and tricks. “The hardest part of doing a race is actually just registering and signing up,” McKeever says. “People are worried about what they have to wear, what the training program is, how much time they have to commit. But our mentor program will give them that support.” More women mentoring and encouraging each other? Sounds like a world we want to live in.

The Queen of Prussia 10K will take place at 8 a.m. on June 2nd. Register here.

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