You Can Take Free Yoga Classes at the New Discovery Center in East Fairmount Park
Just check out those views.

These Discovery Center free yoga classes take place by a gorgeous reservoir in East Fairmount Park? Read on for info on how to join. Photograph courtesy of The Yoga and Movement Sanctuary
Yes, the warm weather may be gone — and with it, a lot of free outdoor yoga — but you can still do yoga surrounded by nature thanks to free yoga classes offered by The Discovery Center and The Yoga & Movement Sanctuary.
The Discovery Center, an educational and nature-focused center, is a product of the Philadelphia Outward Bound School collaborating with the National Audubon Society. The joint effort between the two organizations is meant to bring more outdoor and experimental programming to the Strawberry Mansion section of Fairmount Park.
While the new center just opened in September, it has already taken strides to bring health and wellness knowledge to the area. Founder and owner, Emile Sorger, of The Yoga & Movement Sanctuary recently taught a yoga class at the center. After seeing the turn out, he decided it’s something the community needs.
“The yoga class went incredibly well, [and was] attended by a mix of Discovery Center employees, residents from Strawberry Mansion, Brewerytown, Fairmount and other parts of Philadelphia [as well as] students of mine who came in from the suburbs to enjoy practicing at such an incredible place,” said Sorger.
Going forward, the Discovery Center free yoga classes will take place twice a month — currently, there are classes scheduled for Friday, November 30 and Friday, December 14, at 10 a.m. The class is open to all levels of practitioners and designed to serve students who are beginners. No pre-registration is required, and all you have to do is show up with your mat!
More information on the classes can be found at the Yoga and Movement Sanctuary’s website.