Celebrate the New Rittenhouse Spa Memberships With a Day of Wellness and Free Workouts
Learn about the new Rittenhouse Spa memberships — combining spa and gym memberships into one lovely package — while sampling their workouts, services and enjoying healthy refreshments.

A peak inside what you’ll get to see on the reg through the new Rittenhouse Spa memberships. (Photo courtesy of the Rittenhouse Spa and Club).
Forever proving that dreams do come true, The Rittenhouse Spa and Club has launched a new and very alluring membership that combines a spa or massage membership with a gym membership. The Rittenhouse plans to celebrate these consolidated “lifestyle memberships” with a daylong wellness expo capped off with wellness reception full of discount, giveaways, and samples. Who’s ready for a spa day?
On Tuesday, September 18 at 11 a.m., the wellness expo will commence with a myriad of 45-minute fitness classes — like yoga and barre-lates, ranging from free to $5 — as well as a number of wellness seminars, DIY facials, and lunch provided by Simply Good Jars. These classes and workshops are a la carte, so feel free to come and go as you please. That said, you can check out the day’s schedule and score your tickets here, but act fast because spots are limited!
Later that day, from 5 to 7 p.m., the wellness reception — which is free and open to the public — will begin. Quaker City Shrubs will be there serving their tangy and refreshing alcoholic beverages and the spa’s estheticians will be providing tutorials on how to DIY scrubs inspired by the Shrub’s fruity flavors. Addison Bay will be doing a one-day-only pop-up at The Rittenhouse for participants to shop this new brand’s activewear offerings. And, in fitting with the spa vibes of the day, YANA will provide their collagen drink samples to complement the spa services of the day. This is shaping up to be one hell of an after party, huh? RSVP here.
While you’re having a fabulous day at spa, you can begin imaging what life could be like with one of the Rittenhouse spa memberships. With about three tiers of membership options, you can spend between $250 and $675 a month on spa and gym combo memberships featuring perks like at least one free spa service per month and varying gym access levels. Tours of the spa and fitness center will be offered all day so you can see what you’d be signing up for with Rittenhouse spa memberships, and attendees will be offered 10 percent off of all retail items and 20 percent off of all spa services scheduled that day.
Here’s to a wonderful day of spa chilling, fitness classes, and healthy eats.
The Rittenhouse Spa and Club is located at 210 West Rittenhouse Square in Rittenhouse.