The Checkup: 6 Foods to Add to Your Diet for Glowing Skin
• Because adding is easier than subtracting: Six foods dermatologists eat, from grapefruit to avocado to flaxseed, to have their most glowing, airbrushed-like skin. [Prevention]
• Here are five ways you’ve probably never considered using sweet potato (no, the very-trendy sweet potato toast doesn’t make the cut), all in an effort to cut your refined sugar intake. [MindBodyGreen]
• Recently, someone told me they read for at least 30 minutes every morning before getting out of bed. My jaw dropped in admiration. If you, too, want to be like them, start here: 10 wellness books worth reading, according to health pros. [Well + Good]
• Here’s one unexpected trick to up your fitness game: smile. No, really! [Shape]
• Dr. Bailey from Grey’s Anatomy has a daughter in real life, and it seems life imitates art: After months of mysterious illness, her daughter was diagnosed with what sounds like a pretty miserable medical condition — cyclic vomiting syndrome. [Refinery29]
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