The Checkup: The Common Fitness Gear Mistakes Sabotaging Your Workouts
• Trainers aren’t just looking at your form when you hit the gym — they’re also taking note of your fitness gear, including the mistakes you’re making that could be sabotaging your workouts. Think: wearing the wrong underwear, not paying attention to your shoes and going for a cutesy sports bra instead of a sports bra that actually works. Guilty? Same. [Well + Good]
• I have absolutely no problem sticking to an early bedtime, but if you’re one of those creatures who manages to accidentally stay up until sunrise, take note of this tip (hint: it has to do with exercise) to stick to your bedtime once and for all. [Science of Us]
• Someone got snarky with Lena Dunham on Twitter for taking a sick day — and Dunham clapped back big time. [Greatist]
• Here, eight hassle-free ways to beat the S.A.D.-ness (that’s seasonal affective disorder, for those who don’t know) you’ve got comin’ your way. [TIME]
• Are we all overthinking the whole baby timeline thing? One mom says yes. [Refinery29]
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