What Was Your Biggest Race-Day Fail Ever?

Your good deed for the day: Share your biggest race-day mistake, so your fellow runners can avoid making it in the future. 

Philadelphia Marathon weekend is right around the corner, with the half marathon coming up on November 19th and the full marathon on the 20th. (Yippee!) We’ve been posting our weekly marathon training tips (you can find them all here), courtesy of running coach Cory Smith, for a few months now. But fact is, even if you train like you’re the Rocky Balboa of running and try your best to be race-day ready, a little mistake can still throw you off big come race day. That’s where this post comes in: We want you to tell us the biggest race-day mistakes you’ve ever made, so that other runners can steer clear of ’em.

Maybe it’s wearing a new shirt or sports bra for the first time ever, only to find that said shirt or sports bra is not so running-friendly around mile eight. Or maybe it’s deciding to try any mid-race snack for the first time on race day, only to find that your stomach is … let’s just say, not down with that snack. Or maybe it was pressing snooze one too many times and missing the race — the race you’d trained for for MONTHS — altogether.

Hey, we all make mistakes. But sharing those mistakes can help other runners out. So consider this your good deed for the day: Share the biggest race-day mistake you’ve ever made, so your fellow runners can avoid making the same mistake in the future. Ready, set, comment!

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