The Checkup: The Bloat-Banishing Fruit to Have on Your Counter at All Times
• When was the last time you ate papaya? Personally, I can’t remember ever eating papaya (unless a frozen papaya margarita from Cantina counts?), but you better believe I’m going to be adding it to my grocery list: Turns out, the tropical fruit is great at battling digestive woes that can lead to bloating. [POPSUGAR Fitness]
• Yogis! A new study suggests you may need to start switching your workouts up a bit if you’re looking to get the recommended dose of cardio (that’s 150 minutes, if you don’t know) in each week. [Shape]
• Whoa: Say hello to the world’s first baby born with DNA from three parents, Abrahim Hassan. [TIME]
• Should you become a cold-shower convert? Here, one hot-shower lover tries it out so you don’t have to. [Runner’s World]
• Do you respond to every single work email that comes your way? This Men’s Health editor did for one day and it did absolutely no favors for his productivity. Lesson learned: Ignoring most emails is best. (Joking. Kind of.) [Men’s Health]
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