New Balance Hosting Free Girl-Power Workout (With DJ!)
Don’t have any date-night plans Thursday, September 22nd? No problem! New Balance is hosting a free workout-filled girls night and you, my friend, are invited.
Jayel Lewis (you might remember her from Be Well Philly Boot Camp this summer!) will be leading an hour-long body-sculpting class dubbed “Fem-Power Hour” starting at 6:30 p.m. at New Balance’s Rittenhouse store (1615 Walnut Street). To add to the fun ladies night vibes, there will be a DJ on deck playing music central to the girl-power theme (we’re thinking ALL the Beyoncé?). So yeah, get ready to get in formation. And if running is more your jam, they’ll also be hosting a FUSION Run, a run that works in a combo of running and sprinting, at the same time.
Can’t make it to the class? There’s also a virtual aspect to the event: You can tackle the virtual Girls Run the World challenge run anywhere that works for you. Think: The Schuylkill River Trail or the Pennypack Creek Trail. Running up the steps of the Art Museum isn’t a bad idea either; you know you’ve always wanted to secretly reenact that famous Rocky scene.
You can learn more about the free workout and run, along with how to get in on the virtual run action right here (just make sure to specify Philadelphia as your location). Enjoy, ladies!
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