Be Well Workout of the Week: The Do-Anywhere Workout to Bookmark

No plans to hit the gym today? No problem.

All you have to do this week is complete two exercises, back and forth, five times. No problem, right? Oh, yeah! And there are six pairs of exercises. Each exercise will use only your body weight, so you can do this workout pretty much anywhere. Move your coffee table out of the way in your living room, clear some space in your kitchen, or close your office door and get to work

Be Well Workout of the Week: The Do-Anywhere Workout to Bookmark

Instructions: Go through each set of pairs five times before moving on to the next set. 
Pair 1 x 5

10 burpees
20 sprinter sit-ups

Pair 2 x 5
20 rocking planks
10 curtsy hops

Pair 3 x 5
20 lunge jumps (single count)
10 sit-ups

Pair 4 x 5
20 squat jumps
40 mountain climbers (single count)

Pair 5 x 5
10 push-ups
20 skiers (single count)

Pair 6 x 5
15 arm haulers
10 plank twists (single count)

Explanation of exercises: 
Click links for how-to videos. 

Burpees: Just like an up-down in football. Put your hands on the ground, jump your feet out behind you so you’re in push-up position, hit your chest to the ground, and bring your feet back in, stand up.

Sprinter sit-ups: Start laying flat on your back. Lift your chest for a full sit-up and drive your left knee to your chest. Lay back down, lift your chest and drive your right knee to your chest.

Rocking planks: Get into a plank on your elbows and toes. Pressing from your toes, shift your body straight forward and pull your body back. Forward and back is one rep.

Curtsy hops: On each side, do a curtsy, swinging one leg behind you. Then drive that knee up, hopping off of your other foot. Return to the curtsy position and repeat. Do all reps on one side before switching to the other.

Lunge jumps: Start standing with feet together and step forward with the left leg into a lunge, bending knee to about 90 degrees. Jump as you stand back up and switch legs before you land, so your right leg is forward. Lunge again, then jump, putting your left leg forward, and so forth. Left and right counts as one.

Sit-up: Lie on your back with feet on the floor and knees bent. Put your hands behind your ears. Without pulling on your neck and using only your abs, lift your shoulders off the mat and come to a full sit-up position. Lie back down slowly.

Squat jumps: Stand with feet hip-width apart and perform a squat, dropping your rear until your knees are just behind your toes and your hamstrings are parallel to the floor. As you stand, propel yourself upwards and jump. Return to standing and squat again.

Mountain climbers: Get in plank position. Alternating legs, bring your knee into the chest, keeping your upper body strong. Extend leg and switch.

Push-up: Start lying face down with your chest on the floor, with hands facing forward and palms down in line with your shoulders; elbows should be pointing back. Push up until arms are extended (the inside of the elbow should be facing forward) and drop back down.

Skiers: Stand in a split stance, with right foot about a foot in front of the left. Jump in place and switch legs so your left foot is in the front. Repeat the motion, pumping your arms in rhythm: left arm forward when left foot is forward, right arm forward when right foot is forward. Left and right counts as one rep.

Arm haulers: Lie on your stomach with your forehead on the mat and arms reaching forward. Lift your arms, chest and legs off the mat so only your abdomen is touching; keep everything lifted the entire time. As if you’re doing the breaststroke, sweep your arms out and to the sides. Bring them close to the body, then stretch them forward again. Repeat.

Plank twist: Start in a high plank, lift your right knee under your torso toward your left elbow and drop your right hip toward the ground. Return to a high plank then repeat on the other side.


Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every Monday right here on Be Well Philly.