Huge Vegan Food and Beer Festival Coming to SugarHouse Casino
If you don’t eat meat or dairy, food festivals tend to be giant letdowns: All of your friends leave stuffed with a bazillion samples from aisles and aisles of food vendors while you leave stuffed with more beet salad samples than any other human should ever have to consume in one lifetime. Because beet salad was the only vegan thing in the building and you were starving. And honestly, you probably leave a little too tipsy, too — because no one should be offered bottomless wine when all they’ve eaten in the past six hours is beet salad.
But my dear vegans of Philadelphia, soon you will have an awesome food festival experience: On Sunday, August 14th, the first-ever Sustainable Everyday Edibles and Drinkables festival (S.E.E.D. for short), a completely vegan food and beer festival, will be taking over SugarHouse Casino’s new event space.
The food festival, a collaboration between Home Brewed Events and Eat Your PHL, claims to be the first fully vegan food and beer festival in Philly, and it sounds like it’s going to be quite the day: Attendees can expect anywhere from 75 to 90 food, beer and marketplace vendors, with everything offered being completely vegan, organizers tell us. As Meredith Rebar, co-owner of Home Brewed Events tells us, the goal of the festival is really to highlight the growing vegan food scene in Philly and to provide a festival where there’s something for everyone to eat. Amen to that.
When it comes to food, she says attendees can expect bites from vegan eateries around Philly along with food from restaurants that offer bombtastic vegan food, but aren’t necessarily known for it. Think: secret vegan gems. When it comes to beer, they’ll have tons of local breweries on deck, plus bigger breweries like Samuel Adams. A ticket to the festival ($45) gets you three hours of vegan food and beer. You can also spring for a VIP ticket ($65) to get into the fest an hour early. And a little something to make you feel good about buying a ticket: A portion of the proceeds go to the Humane League of Philadelphia.
And this won’t just be a one-off: Rebar says they plan to make S.E.E.D. an annual event. (If you just let out a “Woop, woop!” you’re not alone.) You can find out more about the festival and snag your ticket here. Right now, the list of vendors on their site is on the short side but they tell us they’ll be rolling out more info about new vendors on the first Monday of every month leading up to the fest, so keep up with them on Facebook to stay in the know.
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