Huge Percentage of Pennsylvanians Don’t Get Enough Sleep
Are you yawning right now? According to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there’s a good chance you are.
Last week, the CDC released a new report outlining just how many folks are getting the recommended amount of sleep (that’s a solid seven hours for those of you who don’t know) in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. Spoiler: The findings aren’t great. According to the study, in which they surveyed over 400,000 Americans by phone, only 65 percent of Americans reported getting the recommended seven hours of shuteye daily. That number drops to 62.5 percent for Pennsylvanians, making us the 13th worst state when it comes to sleep. But for once you can be happy you don’t live in Hawaii: They’re getting the worst sleep in the U.S., with only 56 percent getting their nightly seven hours.
So, why does it matter that nearly 40 percent (!!) of Pennsylvanians aren’t getting enough sleep? Well, as the report points out, sleeping less than seven hours a night is associated with all sorts of things most people don’t want in their lives: obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and mental distress, to name a few. Plus, driving while drowsy is seriously bad news.
Who wants any of that? No one. The answer is no one. So, go ahead, my fellow Pennsylvanians: Start treating yourself to more sleep — for your health. We’ve got a few tips to help you decrease your tossing-and-turning time here.
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