Celebrate Honeygrow Run Club’s Anniversary with — What Else? — Running (and Free Beer!)

What are you doing next Tuesday? Nothing? Well, here are some plans for you: Honeygrow Center City is celebrating the one-year anniversary of their hg Run Club (they meet every fourth Tuesday of the month, by the way) next Tuesday, January 26th, with a run that’ll it take you around three to five miles of the city, ending at Philadelphia Runner’s Center City store with beer, a raffle and all sorts of other fun.

The run will leave from Philadelphia Runner at 1601 Sansom Street at 6:30 p.m. It won’t cost you anything; just RSVP here and show up (bundled up!) ready to pound the pavement. Once back at the store, you’ll get your raffle on (Honegrow and Philadelphia Runner are both contributing items), drink free beer, and hang will fellow Philly runners. And, as a bonus, if you have yet to register for Back on My Feet’s 5-Miler, coming up March 26th, folks from BoMF will be on deck at the post-run party registering folks for the race at a discounted price of $20, $5 off the early-bird price. So there you have it: Your Tuesday-night plans! You are welcome.

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