The Checkup: The Fastest and Most Efficient Way to Carve a Turkey
• According to the Culinary Institute of America, there’s a right way and a wrong way to carve a Thanksgiving turkey. Here, a quick primer to improve your chopping chops before Thursday. [Mental Floss]
• Does your stomach expand or shrink based on what you eat — and how much you eat? Good question — click through to find out. [Greatist]
• Newsflash: You’re probably evaluating the healthiness (or not) of your food all wrong. According to the results of a new study, women pay a disproportionate amount of attention to fat rather than sugar when deciding whether or not a food is healthy — and that could spell disaster down the line for health and diet goals. [Futurity]
• Whoa. The scent of your sweat has the power to make another person smile. New research says so. [Yoga Journal]
• This is what the world would look like if more people biked instead of drove. (Spoiler: It’s pretty fantastic.) [CityLab]
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