10 Ways You Can Be Kind to Strangers on Philly’s Day of Kindness

Today is Philly’s first ever Day of Kindness, a sort-of holiday that feels long overdue in this here City of Brotherly Love. The day, which marks the city’s 333rd birthday, was inspired by all the warm-and-fuzzies everyone experienced during Pope Francis’s visit to Philadelphia last month. The idea is to keep that feeling going by encouraging Philadelphians to be nicer to each other.

It’s a tall order, of course, what with the cynicism and gripes that often come with living in a major city. But we here at Be Well Philly want to do our part, so we’ve come up with a handful of ways for our fellow fitness friends to be kinder to each other today. We figure you’ve already got the endorphins flowing, so why not use that high to make someone else’s day a little better?

We’re feeling the love already.

1. Give someone a high-five and a smile while you’re out running on the Schuylkill River Trail.

2. At your super-packed yoga class tonight, offer to move your mat over for the poor frazzled gal who got there two minutes late. Better yet, give her your highly coveted under-the-skylight spot.

3. Actually wipe your equipment down at the gym. We thank you in advance for doing that today, and every day.

4. Go to a donation yoga class and give a little extra.

5. Just smile. At everyone.

6. For bike commuters: Say hi to the person on the bike next to you, when you’re waiting at a red light.

7. After your fitness class tonight, thank the instructor instead of just running out. Those guys and gals work hard to keep up the energy, and they should know how much you appreciate it.

8. Strike up a conversation with the newbie at your running club. Remember how scary it was your first week? Make him feel comfortable and like he’s part of the crew, right away.

9. Give your old race medals to a sick kid who needs them more than you. That’s the goal of Medals for Mettle.

10. When (Notice: It’s when, not IF) you go to Little Baby’s for your post-workout treat, buy a cone for a stranger with the shop’s Pay-It-Forward Board. (Same goes at Rosa’s Fresh Pizza.)

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