#SayNoToTheToe: These Yoga Pants Are Designed to Fight the Dreaded Mid-Workout Camel Toe

Prismsport leggings | Photo via Facebook
I rarely hear anyone aside from the Kardashians talk about camel toes (if you’re a fan of the show, then you know that they are big fans of camel-toe talk). But, whether you choose to talk about ’em or not, camel toes are real and they can be a real problem when you’re working out. Which is why fitness gear company Prismsport created their #SayNoToTheToe design, which just launched, made to give you a bit of camel toe-free peace of mind when you hit the gym.
Hilarious? Yes. Necessary? Also yes.
As the company’s owners told Women’s Health, “We have been working on testing, refining, and perfecting this since we started the company, making sure that all bottoms will not bind at the crotch.” And while the idea of anti-camel toe leggings doesn’t sound very sexy — kind of like orthopedic shoes — the leggings are actually incredibly wishlist-worthy. Think: not-cheesy snakeskin prints (it’s possible!), black and white marbled leggings and more.
You can check out the full selection of #SayNoToTheToe (I dare you to try to type that without laughing) leggings here.
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