Be Well Workout of the Week: Burn Those Buns



This week, we’re focusing on your butt. That’s right: It’s time to get your rear in gear, people. You have three rounds of exercise and, during each one, you’ll start with a few exercises that target your butt and thighs, then you’ll make your way through an upper body and abs circuit. By the time you finish, your buns will be burning in the best way. Now, who’s ready to get their squat on?

Be Well Workout of the Week: Burn Those Buns

Round 1
15 squats to reverse lunge on the right
15 squats to reverse lunge on the left
20 lunge rows
20 push-ups
20 bicep curls
20 tricep extensions
20 overhead presses
1-minute plank
30-second side plank on right side
30-second side plank on left side

Round 2
15 squats to lateral lunge on the right
15 squats to lateral lunge on the left
20 lunge rows
20 push-ups
20 bicep curls
20 tricep extensions
20 overhead presses
1-minute plank
30-second side plank on right side
30-second side plank on left side

Round 3
15 squats to crossover reverse lunge on the right
15 squats to crossover reverse lunge on the left
20 lunge rows
20 push-ups
20 bicep curls
20 tricep extensions
20 overhead presses
1-minute plank
30-second side plank on right side
30-second side plank on left side

Explanation of exercises: 

Squat: Stand with your feet just a bit wider than shoulder widt and your toes slightly turned outward. Keeping your weight in your heels, bending at the knees and lower until your quads are parallel to the floor. Keep your back as upright as possible. Straighten legs and come back to the starting position.

Reverse lunge: Start standing upright with your feet together. Take a wide step backward with one foot, sitting down into your hips and bracing your core. Push with your lead leg to return to center. (Do these faster by alternating your arms as you would when you run.)

Lunge row: Standing with your left leg forward in a lunge and left forearm on thigh, row a weight with your right arm like you’re starting lawn mower. Switch to opposite side lunge for left arm.

Push-up: Start lying face down with your chest on the floor, with hands facing forward and palms down in line with your shoulders; elbows should be pointing back. Push up until arms are extended (the inside of the elbow should be facing forward) and drop back down.

Bicep curls: Hold dumbbells at your side with palms facing forward. Pretend your elbows are glued to your midsection and curl the weight toward your shoulders, keeping your upper arm still. Slowly return your weight to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Tricep extensions: Holding a dumbbell with both hands, behind your head. Raise the dumbbell directly above your head, toward the ceiling. Return the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat.

Overhead press: Holding a pair of free weights at your shoulders with your palms facing forward, press the weights up over your head. Return the weights to your shoulders and repeat.

Plank: Get in push-up position, resting on your elbows; keep back, hips, and legs in a straight line. Hold.

Side plank: Lay on your side and prop up your upper body on your forearm, keeping your elbow in line with your shoulder. Both feet should be on the floor, with your top foot just in front of your back foot for stability. Lift your hips off the floor so your body is in a straight line. Hold.

Lateral lunge: Standing with feet together, step to the side in a lunge, making sure your knee doesn’t bend past your toe. Return to standing and lunge on the other side.

Crossover reverse lunge: Start standing with your feet together. Step back with your right foot, like you are doing a reverse lunge, but when you step your right foot back, cross if over your left foot. Return to standing position and repeat.


Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every Monday right here on Be Well Philly.

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