9 Weekly Podcasts for Every Type of Health Nut
I’ll say it right off the bat: I’m a big fan of the podcast. It’s like a free on-demand radio show you can listen to while driving your kids around, on your morning commute, or, my personal favorite, while running. Listening is a great way to stay up-to-date on whatever interests you. And whatever your interest, there’s a podcast talking about it. For the fit foodies among you who haven’t tapped into the podcast scene, here: a podcast to satisfy every type of heath nut. They’re all free to subscribe and air a new episode every week. Enjoy!
For The Over-Achiever: Harder to Kill—Forging Unbreakable Humans
Steph Gaudreau — nutritionist, healthy lifestyle blogger, and athlete — interviews a different health expert during each weekly episode with the goal of exploring how to reach the maximum potential of optimal health and physical performance and, as the title suggests, prolong your life. Steph and her guests address a range of nutrition and fitness topics in an easy to follow Q & A style. Conveniently, you can find each episode in both audio and video format.
For the early riser: The 5 AM Miracle
Jeff Sanders’ enthusiastic voice and manner alone will wake you up Monday morning when his weekly episode is posted. As a self-titled productivity coach, personal-development junkie, and plant-based athlete, he answers listeners’ questions, consults experts, and gives his own lessons about how to form healthy and productive habits and pursue your goals with the most energy possible.
For the veg-curious: No Meat Athlete
Matt Frazier, a vegetarian marathon runner, is a living example that a plant-based diet can absolutely fuel an intense athlete. He and his friend and colleague Doug offer vegetarian and vegan nutrition, running and training, and healthy lifestyle advice in a weekly relaxed conversation, often using the list format we all seem to love, with titles such as “10 Simple Guidelines for Eating Healthy” and “21 Weird Things We Do Now That We’re Vegan.” They regularly air informative interviews with plant-strong health experts to dive deeper into these topics.
And: Rich Roll Podcast: Rich Roll, like Matt Frazier, is notable for his vegan-fueled ultra-marathon running and passion for promoting the fit and plant-based lifestyle to his listeners. Rich is a bit more formal in the way he conducts his podcasts, each week interviewing a different expert in areas like nutrition, food policy, sustainable lifestyle practices, yoga, fitness, and more. Being a vegetarian science nerd myself, I just downloaded this one!
For the Paleo enthusiast: Paleo Solution
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and author of The Paleo Solution, so obviously a passionate advocate of the Paleo lifestyle. Each week’s podcast is an interview with a different pro-Paleo guest answering questions he receives from listeners on Paleo nutrition, fitness, weight loss, and other health concerns. Robb and his guests bring tons of expertise to the table, translating complex science to any health-conscious listener.
For those looking to lose weight: Half Size Me
In coaching listeners on weight loss and maintenance, Heather Robertson makes up for her lack of academic credentials with her success of having lost 170 pounds (holy cow!). Most weeks, she talks to another successful “loser” about an important aspect of weight loss that they learned through their own weight-loss journey. Other times she interviews weight-loss professionals like trainers and dietitians. I like Heather because she’s passionate about helping people at any stage of the weight-loss process, whether they’ve started and stopped ten times or they’re just trying to maintain their goal weight.
For the healthy person who’s short on time: Quick and Dirty Tips: The people at Quick and Dirty Tips bring you a number of podcasts, the health-related ones being Nutrition Diva, Get-Fit Guy, House Call Doctor, and Savvy Psychologist.
In six to 10 minutes, each episode offers — you guessed it — quick and dirty tips to upgrade your eating, fitness, mental and emotional well-being, and overall health. Their tips are simple, relevant, and concise enough to fit into your jam-packed week.
And: TED Talks Health
For those unfamiliar with TED Talks, each TEDx conference brings together a bunch of speakers who have an innovative idea to share, most often a life-changing or even earth-shattering one. Each individual talks about their discovery to the audience for a maximum of twenty typically captivating minutes. A free TED Talks Health subscription will give you access to the health-oriented talks on everything from cutting-edge medical breakthroughs to smart daily health hacks. Unlike the other podcasts on this list, this series is in video format, so it’s not the best running buddy, but I highly recommend that you take occasional the five to 20 minutes to watch, listen, and have your mind blown. Whether you subscribe or not, here’s a fascinating talk on how vision actually affects weight-loss success.
For all-over-the-place health and life advice: The Jillian Michaels Show
This is a not so subtle plug for my favorite podcast, but it does happen to be one of the top-rated health-minded podcasts on iTunes. Jillian is well-known for having been the tough-love trainer on The Biggest Loser, but you get to see a whole other side of her in her podcast. What I love about this show is that it’s very candid, totally conducted as an informal conversation between Jillian and two or three of her friends, colleagues, or employees. She brings a lot of her fitness expertise to the table, but also addresses topics that run the health and wellness gamut, from love life problems to sustainable eating. The format of her show involves multiple segments, and a segment could be an interview with an expert, an emotional lesson she learned in her life in the past week, a discussion of a relevant article, or coaching a listener through a health, work, or relationship concern.
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