Yoga With Jake: 10-Minute Yoga Routine to Ease Back Pain

Every week, we post a new yoga routine from local instructor Jake Panasevich. Panasevich’s specialty is yoga for men (you can learn more about him on his website here), but these routines works for ladies, as well! So grab your yoga mat and get your downward dog on, friends.
Yesterday, one of my coworkers asked me what she should do to ease the lower back pain she’s been feeling from sitting in a chair for hours on end, day in and day out — and minutes later, Jake sent me this video! He must be psychic. That, or lots of people are dealing with lower back pain, so he figured he’d help ‘em ease it a bit. Probably the latter.
Scratch that — definitely the latter. As Jake explains, “Back pain is an epidemic in America. And the pain is accentuated by our desk culture and the use of mobile devices.” So, if you’re guilty of sitting at a desk all day — and staring down at your phone a good portion of the day, too (because so many cat videos, so little time!) — do this 10-minute routine now and thank us later.
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