8 Reasons to Go for a Run Today (Besides the Amazing Weather)
Have you been outside today? It. Is. Amazing. It’s 70 degrees and sunny, and basically everything we’ve all been dreaming about for the past six months. And it is the perfect running weather. But if sunshine isn’t enough incentive to get you to lace up your sneakers, we’ve got a few more reasons you should definitely get out for a run today — like to get your runner’s high on, for one — below.
1. Because it won’t cost you a dime.
Getting your sweat on is great for many things — like justifying having dessert at lunch, and boosting your mood, to name a few. But one thing it isn’t always good for? Your wallet. But the awesome thing about running is that (given you already own a pair of sneakers, shorts and an old t-shirt that you don’t care about) it won’t cost you a dime. Now, that’s my kind of workout.
2. Because runner’s high is real.
When you go for a run, your body releases endorphins, Anadamide (a mood booster similar to THC), and dopamine, all which lead you to feel serious bliss vibes (scientific term there), for anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. And who couldn’t use some bliss vibes?
3. Because a run could help you live longer.
A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that running for just five to 10 minutes a day, even at a slow pace, could reduce your chances of early death from all causes, especially heart disease. And who doesn’t have five or 10 minutes to spare?
4. Because you’ll get to actually see the city you live in.
If you’re anything like me, you spend way too much time cooped up in a windowless cubicle, which is a shame, because this city that we live in is pretty darn awesome — especially during the spring. There is so much to see, and running makes getting a view of all the murals, cherry blossoms (!!) and poop-emoji art easy.
5. Because a run is the perfect excuse to clock some me time.
Taking time for yourself is important, but between staying on top of work, keeping your friends happy, and updating your Twitter account, it’s can be hard to squeeze in. Running kills two birds with one stone: You get your workout on and you get some time to hear your thoughts — or Beyoncé’s latest single — interruption-free.
6. Because you could make some new friends.
If you don’t want to run alone, there are about a bazillion and one running groups and clubs in and around Philly. And run clubs are ripe for the picking on Thursday evenings, from the Fishtown Beer Runners to the Lululemon Walnut Street Run Club, and more. So pick one and get your run on with an army of workout buddies. Check out our list of running groups in Philly here.
7. Because NATURE, people.
It’s finally (finally!) spring. And in the wise words of Robin Williams, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let’s party!” So pick a trail (we have plenty for you to choose from here), lace up your running shoes, and go get your groove on with the Wissahickon.
8. Because why not?
Really. Why not?
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