The Checkup: THIS Starbucks Drink Has More Sugar Than a Snickers Bar?!

• Chai lattes are often touted as a healthier, emphasis on the “er,” option, when it comes to sweet morning drinks, but that is so not the case when it comes to a Starbucks Chai Latte: A grande from Starbucks packs a whopping 42 grams of sugar—that’s 15 more grams than a Snickers bar. Ack! [Huffington Post]
• Next time you feel like you just might keel over and die during a workout, use one of these seven tricks to get you through even the toughest of sweat sessions. [Men’s Health]
• If you are just so over quinoa, try one of these healthy pseudograins. [Well + Good]
• I hope you don’t need this come Saturday morning, but just in case: This 10-minute yoga sequence helps get rid of the horrible aches and pains that come along with a hangover. [POPSUGAR Fitness]
• Shop these 22 running accessories that make running in the dark a whole lot safer. [Greatist]
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