Meet a Health Hero: Theresa Conroy

Theresa Conroy
» You can vote for Theresa on our Facebook page October 28th through November 3rd. Mark your calendar!
Name: Theresa Conroy
Occupation: Director of Yoga on the Ridge
Who or what motivates you to be healthy?
I want to feel as good as I can, for as long as I can. Every day I see how exercise—especially yoga—helps heal injuries, manages symptoms of disease and softens the blunt edge of aging. To fail to take advantage of that just makes no sense.
Describe a health or fitness related turning point in your life.
Dec. 12, 2000. I had a cold with a persistent cough. I realized I couldn’t take a full, deep breath. I went to the CVS, bought a Nicotine patch, and quit smoking. I was a nervous, anxious wreck, so I turned to yoga. After the very first practice (in my basement, in front of my VCR), I realized that yoga would help me never smoke again.
What “policy” would you institute to make Greater Philadelphia a healthier region?
Required meditation/relaxation breaks during the work day–just 10 to 15 minutes when employees can go to a serene, designated area to close their eyes and practice deep breathing.
What’s the most important part of your health or fitness regimen?
Managing stress and anxiety. Before yoga, I was on medication for an anxiety disorder. Now I integrate yoga’s postures, breathing and relaxation techniques into my daily routine to maintain and enhance a positive outlook and healthy lifestyle.
What is your number one piece of health related advice/encouragement?
I tell my clients this one all the time: “Yoga works—IF you do it.” Make a commitment, a firm appointment, and do something that makes you feel better. Don’t worry about what to wear or how you look, just focus on how you feel.
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