BeWOW: The Lean, Mean Leg Workout

Our latest Be Well Workout of the Week.



Let’s do some legs, shall we? This week’s workout is all about toning and strengthening your lower half.

You’ll start with 10 reps of one exercise—squat jumps—then sprint it out. Then, you’ll add 10 reps of another exercise, sprint again, add another exercise, sprint, and so on and so forth. The workout builds on itself, with the goal of working your way up to a final round of seven exercises and a 30-second sprint. Warning: Your legs will feel like Jell-O at the end of this workout. But, of course, that’s entirely the point.

Here’s what you’re gonna do.

BeWOW: The Lean, Mean Leg Workout

Set 1
10 squat jumps
30-second sprint

Set 2
10 squat jumps
10 lunge walks on each side
30-second sprint

Set 3
10 squat jumps
10 lunge walks
10 skiers on each side
30-second sprint

Set 4
10 squat jumps
10 lunge walks
10 skiers on each side
10 dead lift
30-second sprint

Set 5
10 squat jumps
10 lunge walks
10 skiers on each side
10 dead lift
10 knee drives with reverse lunge (10 each side)
30-second sprint

Set 6
10 squat jumps
10 lunge walks
10 skiers on each side
10 dead lift
10 knee drives with reverse lunge (10 each side)
10 plié squats
30-second sprint

Set 7
10 squat jumps
10 lunge walks
10 skiers on each side
10 dead lift
10 knee drives with reverse lunge (10 each side)
10 plié squats
10 burpees
30-second sprint

Take five minutes to stretch.

Explanation of exercises

Squat jumps: Stand with feet hip-width apart and perform a squat, dropping your rear until your knees are just behind your toes and your hamstrings are parallel to the floor. As you stand, propel yourself upwards and jump. Return to standing and squat again.

Lunge walksStart standing with feet together and step forward with the left foot into a lunge, bending knee to about 90 degrees. Return to standing, then step forward with the right foot, until your leg forms a 90 degree angle. Repeat as you walk forward.

Skiers: Stand in a split stance, with right foot about a foot in front of the left. Jump in place and switch legs so your left foot is in the front. Repeat the motion, pumping your arms in rhythm: left arm forward when left foot is forward, right arm forward when right foot is forward. Left and right counts as one rep.

Dead lifts with dumbbells: Hold dumbbells with arms extended down so they’re resting on your thighs, feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping shoulders back and abs tight (and without locking your knees), bend at the hips and let the weights lower towards the floor, going as far as you can without bending your knees too much. Drive your heels in to the floor and stand to return to the starting position.

Knee drives with reverse lunge: Stand with feet hip width apart. Step back with your left foot about two to three feet, and drop to a lunge. As you stand, drive your left knee up to your chest, using your arms for momentum. Step back into another lunge, and repeat, performing the reps in one fluid motion. Do all reps on the left before switching to the right. 

Plié squats: Standing with feet a little further than hip width apart, turn your toes out and do a squat.

Burpees: Just like an up-down in football. Put your hands on the ground, jump your feet out behind you so you’re in push-up position, hit your chest to the ground, and bring your feet back in, stand up.