Philly Mag’s 2014 Top Doctors Issue Is Now Available
Philadelphia magazine’s annual Top Doctors issue is always one of my favorites. I’m biased, of course—I co-edit the thing every year with my fab coworker and Be Well Philly contributor Sandy Hingston—but it’s always intriguing to learn all about the groundbreaking medical research happening right here in Philly.
This year, in addition to the list of the 724 best physicians in the region, we delved deep (and I mean, deep) into the world of stress: Specifically, why the heck we’re all so stressed out, and how to calm the $%&! down. Sandy talked to local researchers about the biology of stress and wrote about some fascinating new research on where it comes from and how it affects our bodies; check out her piece here. I scoured the region to find the best people, classes, workshops and more to help you deal with your stress once and for all. I’ll post those resources—as well as a quiz to determine your stress level—on the blog in the coming weeks.
Meantime, go pick up the issue on newsstands now to stop your stress in its tracks. Next month, we’ll update our online database with the new list of 2014 Top Doctors, so stay tuned.
Let’s get this stress stuff under control, people. Our bodies and minds will thank us for it.
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