To Do: Students Run Philly Style’s Generation Run 5K

Generation Run // Photo via Facebook
If you’ve run a race in Philly, like, ever, you’ve probably seen a group of school-age kids, all wearing the same T-shirt, bobbing along toward the finish line beside you. I’m willing to bet that those were Students Run Philly Style kids, local students who participate in a program that uses long-distance running as a tool for mentoring and teaching.
The upcoming Generation Run 5K is one of the organization’s big fundraisers of the year. The race is contained in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and includes a family-friendly post-race festival. A pre-race yoga stretch will be led by Biz Magarity, co-founder of Nava Yoga Center.
Sign up and get more info here.
$35, April 12th at 8 a.m. (yoga starts at 7:30), Philadelphia Navy Yard, South Broad Street and Constitution Avenue, Philadelphia.
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