To Do: Get Your Sports-Nutrition Questions Answered at Philadephia Runner Tomorrow
Exercise and good nutrition go together like peanut butter and jelly: Yeah, sure, you could just have one or the other, but once you put them together, there’s no going back. But with new “superfoods” and protein-packed supplements popping up left and right, it can be hard to keep up with what actually qualifies as “good nutrition.” Luckily for us, best-selling author and sports nutritionist Nancy Clark will be at Philadelphia Runner tomorrow evening to answer all of our food and nutrition questions. Yes, please!
During the hour-long event, Clark will address exercise-related nutrition questions like, “What and when should I eat before I exercise?” (Because, we all know, it’s way easy to screw that one up: Mid-run cramps, anyone?) She will also be dispelling common nutrition myths (Is spinach really the key to Popeye-like muscles?) and autographing copies of her new book.
No need to sign up for the event. Just head over to Philadelphia Runner tomorrow evening with a list of all your unanswered nutrition questions and prepare to be schooled.
FREE, January 23rd at 7 p.m., Philadelphia Runner, 1601 Sansom Street, Philadelphia.
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