Where to Find Free Lululemon Yoga Classes Right Now
Now that I’m officially on the yoga train, I’m constantly on the hunt for bargain-price yoga classes. Because let’s be honest, people: Those three-times-a-week, $17-a-piece yoga sessions really add up—fast.
So I’m not above schlepping myself to an out-of-the-way class every now and then if it means I’ll get a good deal. Enter: Lululemon’s free weekly yoga classes, which move from studio to studio every couple of months. Our local stores recently posted the schedules for their new freebie classes. Check them out below.
Lululemon Center City
Studio: Anjali Power Yoga, 1519 South Street, Philadelphia.
Date and time: Sundays at noon.
Lululemon Suburban Square
Studio: New Leaf Club, 1225 Montrose Avenue, Bryn Mawr.
Date and time: Sundays at 11 a.m.
Lululemon Wayne and Lululemon King of Prussia
*The two stores are teaming up for yoga this winter.
Studio: The Yoga Den, 303 East Church Road, King of Prussia.
Dates: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.