#RunPR2014: Why Philly Runners Are Thinking Big in 2014
Sticking to a New Year’s resolution can be tough. I mean, no one is actually holding you accountable, so what does it really matter if you don’t hit the gym today? And who cares if you opt for a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes over steel-cut oats? If you’re worried about your New Year’s resolution flying out the window come the weekend (Because, I mean, brunch.), we’ve got the perfect contest for you.
Philadelphia Runner is hosting an Instagram contest to help you celebrate (and keep) your 2014 New Year’s resolutions. Because nothing gets folks more motivated than Instagram likes, am I right? Here’s how it works: Post any photo related to your New Year’s resolution along with the hashtag #RunPR2014. At the end of the month, Philadelphia Runner will give out some fitness swag, including Nike+ GPS watches, Nike running backpacks and Philadelphia Runner gift cards, to the folks who posted the photo with the most likes, the best photo, and photos that were particularly creative or inspiring. If you post using the Nike+ smart phone app, you’ll be eligible for an additional prize.
Anything works, from a shot of your healthy morning smoothie to a photo of the sunrise on your morning run to a good ol’ sweaty selfie. As long as it’s related to bettering yourself this year, Philadelphia Runner wants to see it. The contest ends on January 31st but Philadelphia Runner will be checking the hashtag all throughout 2014. And, who knows? They might even throw in an extra prize or two throughout the year. How’s that for motivation?
As seen in an Instagram posted by Philadelphia Runner, your fellow Philadelphian’s have resolved to do everything from “Run at least one mile every day” to “Run 125 miles in 24 hours” to “Run the world.” What’s your New Year’s resolution? Let us know in the comments section below!