Photos: These Are What “Real” Yoga Bodies Look Like

So there’s this new page on Facebook called My Real Yoga Body. I found it by way of internationally known yogi Kathryn Budig, who seems to have just discovered the page herself. It launched on October 28th and is basically a feed of user-submitted photos of “real” yoga bodies—i.e. normal people, of all shapes and sizes, practicing yoga.

Here’s its mission:

This page aims to broaden the visual representations of peeps doing yoga. MRYB didn’t feel represented out there in yoga land, and also realized that we weren’t rushing to put our bootylicious, over-25 selves out there either. This page was started as a personal challenge to celebrate all of the Yogis and Yoginis out there. We want to see youngins’, oldins’, slim, zaftig, male, female, strong, getting strong, restorative, accomplished, burgeoning, all different colors and flavors, falling down, flying, levitating, lying on our backs half asleep!

Its implication, of course, is that the waif-like, pretzel-like bodies we see in yoga ads and magazines are not particularly representative of the variety of people who actually practice yoga. I mean, you realize this as soon as you walk into a yoga studio for the first time, but I’m always game for a good reminder every now and then.

Below, check out a few of the photos from the My Real Yoga Body Facebook page. Then head over here to like it and submit your own. You can follow the group on Instagram, too.