Flywheel and Agno Grill Team Up for Lunch on the Fly Rides

The goods at Agno Grill // Photo via Facebook

The goods at Agno Grill // Photo via Facebook

It’s the classic lunch hour-workout dilemma: You want to spend your midday break sweating it out (go you!) but doing so leaves you no time to, well, eat your lunch. Your solution: Flywheel Center City’s new Lunch on the Fly rides, an ingenious partnership with Agno Grill which gives you a sweat-fest workout and a healthy lunch in one pop.

Now, when you check in at the studio for the 12:30 class on Wednesdays, you’ll be able to place a lunch order for a wrap, salad or rice bowl at Agno Grill. When class is over, your lunch will be at the front desk waiting for you to grab and go. Yes, it’s like magic lunch fairies coming to visit once a week.

The Flywheel class costs its usual $25 for drop-ins (or you can use a class card) but lunch is an extra $10. Right now, the deal is only available for the 45-minute lunch hour class on Wednesdays. Sign up for tomorrow’s here.